Smart Switch Controller Details

World’s only battery protection system for smartphones, tablets, and laptops. A product of Infinity Amps.

How to use the Smart Switch Controller?

-Connect the Smart Switch Controller between your regular charger and the phone or tablet, or wireless charging pad.
-Get the Infinity Amps Controller app from Google Play or App Store.
-In the app, go to Settings and tap “Search for New Device”. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on. The app will automatically detect which Smart Switch Controller device you have plugged into.
-Also, in Settings, you can set the desired charge level in “Maintain Level” and set the “Schedule”.

The app runs in the background and controls the battery charge level.
Our Scheduler has the unique ability to keep your phone, tablet, or laptop at a desired safe state of charge during the night (50 to 70% is best), and only top it up to a value of your choice just before the time you need it. This allows you to protect your battery well by avoiding prolonged high states of charge and still have the phone, tablet, or laptop at its full battery capacity when needed.

The Smart Switch Controller is the world’s most configurable charge scheduler – the only one powered by hardware and its companion app.
You rely on your phone’s battery. When it starts to fade, it takes a huge toll on your daily digital experience.
Don’t wait for this to happen. Charge it with a Smart Switch Controller while it’s still healthy.

Why is it important to use the Smart Switch Controller?

A typical smartphone, tablet, or laptop battery loses up to 20% of its capacity per year due to overnight full charging. It is a fact.
Also, high temperatures during the charging process, and fast charging, are responsible for battery degrading over time.
The Smart Switch Controller prevents phone/tablet/laptop battery degradation by limiting and/or delaying full charging and limiting charging power when you don’t need it.

A rechargeable lithium battery, used in smartphones, tablets, and laptops, loses capacity with each charge cycle. But the charge cycles are not whole numbers. The damage each cycle causes depends on the maximum percent of charge reached, the time the battery remains in the high state of charge, the use of fast charging (high charging power), and the temperature.

In an electric car, you know it’s best not to charge it to 100% frequently, as heat and voltage stress will affect the battery’s long-term health.
By using the Smart Switch Controller regularly, every time you juice up your phone, tablet, or laptop, your battery will be working properly for a long, long time, without needing replacement.
Our firmware and app implement scientific data and recommendations from battery manufacturers.

Sometimes, it’s best to just stop charging in high-temperature situations, like when you’re using your phone or tablet as an in-dash navigation device in your car on hot summer days. In such cases, the heat degrades the internal structure of the battery more than anything, and if it is exposed to heat for a long time, the battery eventually swells up or explodes and can ruin your phone or tablet. All phones, tablets, and laptops have overtemperature protection, but the factory threshold is often set too high (50°C / 122°F). The Smart Switch Controller allows you to set much lower over-temperature thresholds while charging, so you can effectively pamper your battery when possible.
The Smart Switch Controller takes control of power flow by following an algorithm that lowers battery temperature and voltage-related stress during prolonged charging.

Charging your phone, tablet, or laptop while you’re sleeping results in the battery being on the charger for 3-4 months a year. Even though the manufacturers try their best to cover this scenario, this process inevitably lowers the capacity of your device’s battery.
A typical smartphone, tablet, or laptop charges up to 100% and then keeps the battery at that very high state (around 4.35 volts) until the user unplugs it from the mains.
Indeed, the battery is protected from thermal runaway by its internal circuitry (it would catch fire otherwise), but the measures taken happen at extreme values and are not optimized for long and sustainable battery life. There is also a risk that the battery’s internal protection circuitry may fail, which may result in personal injury or death.

Maintaining a 100% charge for many hours induces voltage and heat-related stress and damages the internal lithium lattice of the battery at a molecular level.
Limiting the charge level below 100% or releasing it once it has topped up has hugely beneficial effects on the lifespan of the battery.
An optimized charging process can take a normal phone, tablet, or laptop battery from 250 cycles to more than 1000 before it shows signs of degradation. That is said in Battery University and has been well documented by the scientific community. Electric car manufacturers like Tesla already avoid charging to 100% by default. They say it’s fully charged, but it’s actually less.
Some manufacturers have implemented a charge-limiting function in their products, but they are not configurable. However, most manufacturers haven’t and probably never will.
With the Smart Switch Controller, you are in full control of your phone/tablet/laptop battery care.

Lithium-ion batteries are stressed when exposed to heat, just like keeping a battery at a high charging voltage. A battery dwelling above 30°C (86°F) is considered elevated temperature, and for most Li-ion, a voltage above 4.10V/cell is deemed as high voltage. Exposing the battery to high temperatures and dwelling in a full state of charge for an extended time can be more stressful than cycling.
Some papers refer to cycles as a continuous charging process from zero to 100%, while others add mini-cycles (like from 30% to 50%) to this equation, but they’re not equal in terms of battery degradation since five 40-60% cycles don’t do the same harm as one 0-100% cycle and then keeping it fully charged.

Practically, it is best if you only charge 90%. If you do so, the Smart Switch Controller will apply the level you set, and the practice will yield much better results in the long run from both a battery lifespan and daily usability perspective.
Ideally, the lower the daily charge, the better it is for the battery.
By applying hysteretic charging, the risk of battery swelling and fires is practically eliminated.

The Smart Switch Controller helps you Reuse and Recycle: Since 2015, phone and tablet manufacturers have glued batteries inside their devices. Apple recently restricted aftermarket battery replacements.
This makes your phone or tablet very unrepairable, and the electronics industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution that’s affecting the health of everyone, including yours and your children’s.

Cases where the Smart Switch Controller is very important:

-Always charging phones, tablets, and laptops: Demo phones, tablets, and laptops in shops usually stay connected to the mains, and that’s what destroys their batteries over time. After a few months, they start swelling or even catch fire in severe cases. The Smart Switch Controller automatically ensures the battery is only charged partially; hence the damage will be zero, and the risk of fire is null. This also increases the resale value of those demo devices.

-Phones and tablets used as surveillance equipment: Their batteries stay charged to 100% all the time. Hence the risk of swelling, fire, and general system malfunction, so it is strongly recommended to use them with the Smart Switch Controller.

-Phone, tablet, or laptop lifespan extension: The Smart Switch Controller has been designed to protect batteries.
– Your battery life will be like when it was new.
– We will work on implementing a Certification Program, so you can have a higher resale value for your smartphone should you decide to sell it.
– After you upgrade to a new phone, you can safely give a perfectly working gift to someone in need.
– You can use the same Smart Switch Controller on your next phone/tablet/laptop, too.

Charging safety:

There have been cases where people who were sleeping with phones under the pillow died because the battery caught fire, like Nazrin Hassan in Jun 2018.
Also, a 14-year-old girl from Kazakhstan died on September 30, 2019, because her phone’s battery exploded on her pillow.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, studies found that around 45 percent of parents and 30 percent of children sleep with their cellphones or tablets in their bedrooms, often leaving the devices turned on and plugged in throughout the night.
With the Smart Switch Controller, those devices can stay charged at 50%, and the fire risk will be zero.
Therefore, it is very useful to have you’re charging limited in energy and power.

-Professional Taxi/Navigation: Professional drivers (taxi, Uber, trucks, pizza deliveries) use tablets and phones as navigation systems all the time. They stay charged up for thousands of hours every month, placed in direct sunlight.
Batteries get very hot very often. Fully charged lithium-ion batteries and high temperatures are a very dangerous combination.
The Smart Switch Controller can eliminate all of that by limiting the charge to 50% and limiting the charging power. This way, battery damage is greatly reduced, and the risk of catching fire is eliminated.

If there was a phone whose battery would give you peace of mind for the next 5 years, would you pay extra money to have it?
For sure.
But that phone doesn’t exist yet.

That’s why an affordable solution like the Smart Switch Controller makes perfect sense.
Charge limiting is a feature that all devices should have by default and should be totally configurable.
A healthy battery saves you a lot of money because it postpones the moment you have to spend it on a new phone, tablet, or laptop by a lot.
