About us


Infinity amps were formed by electronic engineers who, after many years of experience in the design and development of new technologies, saw the duty to rescue the quality and efficiency of electronic products, focusing on their slogan, “Extending energy through efficiency.”

It is more than known by the laws of physics that energy cannot be infinite or continuous. At the same time, infinity amps will try to adhere to this idea by improving the efficiency of current electronic products. Also, when it includes the word quality in the equation, it begins to seem Virtually real; an example of this is that the duration of a product that is efficient and built with quality appears that it can be forever or infinite.


Following this previous idea, our mission is to improve the efficiency and quality of the electronic products we currently have or improve them by correcting their efficiency and/or quality design defects. The vision is that in this way, we will help the development of our society and take care of the planet on which our future depends.

This idea is born from the need of the current problem in which electronic products are defeated by inefficiency or very low quality from their design, thus causing incredible electronic waste and many other issues. In addition, infinity amps believe that the user must be free to decide when a product has to be substituted, looking at their needs or by more advanced technologies, not forced to a mandatory replacement due to obsolescence or easy deterioration.